About Us

SMARTXPHONE™ is a Open Source Android Apps sharing program, to help app developers and promoters. App Developers can Share their Android Apps Apk file with us to promote the app for free.

  • Platform requirements aside, under the vast majority of legislations (and particularly under the GDPR) privacy notices are legally required.
  • If your app handles persons private data, or is in the “Designed for Families” program, you need to add a valid privacy policy in two places: your app’s Website listing page and within your application.
  • If applicable, you have to disclose how you treat sensitive user and device data with the authority.
  • If your application processes private data for any reasons unrelated to its functionality, you must highlight it to user –before the collection and transmission – how the user data will be used and collect user consent.
  • If your application is to be used by kids, you are subject to additional safety requirements for kids.

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